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ITEC :Indian Technical and Economic Cooperation



National Institute of Securities Markets (NISM) is a premier capacity building institution, established by the Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI), the regulator for securities market in India. 1. NISM's Six Schools of Excellence: I. School for Certification of Intermediaries (SCI) - NISM in its endeavor to enhance the quality of securities markets offers certification examinations to securities market intermediaries. II. School for Regulatory Studies and Supervision (SRSS)- It works as a staff college for SEBI, wherein it conducts various training programmes, workshops, management development programmes, conferences, debates, internship etc. to enhance the technical and behavioral skills of SEBI officers and other financial market regulators and market participants such as officers of RBI, SEBI, MoF, IAS, IRS, CBI, Enforcement Directorate, etc. • NISM had also conducted an International Workshop for Cambodia, Laos, Myanmar,Vietnam, Bangladesh , Nepal and Pakistan. • NISM also provides technical assistance to other countries viz: Nepal, Bangladesh, Srilanka and Pakistan. • NISM is also pitching itself as IOSCO training centre in Asia. In this regard, it has hosted Asia-Pacific Regional Conference in February 2016 in its upcoming 70 acres state-of-art campus. III. School for Securities Education (SSE) - NISM creates new age securities markets professionals and equips them with expertise to meet the enhanced expectations through its uniquely positioned academic programmes. We have perfected the design and delivery curriculum to meet global standards, as evident from the sterling on-the-job performance of our alumni. IV. School for Corporate Governance (SCG) - Improvement in Governance requires Corporate Boards to be convinced of its benefits. In this regards NISM aims at bridging the gap between theory and practice and empowering Boards with the knowledge they need to foster good governance practices. V. School for Securities Information and Research (SSIR) - School engaged in the area of research and repository of data. VI. School for Investor Education and Financial Literacy (SIEFL)- Aims to cultivate basic financial skills in individuals of walks of life VII. National Centre for Financial Education-NISM aims to cultivate basic financial skills in individuals from all walks of life. With this regards it has come up with National Centre for Financial Education (NCFE) to create financial education materials and conduct financial education campaigns across the country for all sections of the population.


ITEC Coordinator Details:

NameEmail IdContact Detail
Mr. Susanta Kumar Dassusanta[DOT]das[AT]nism[DOT]ac[DOT]in 9867974979 / 02192668376
Mr. M Krishnamoorthykrishna[DOT]m[AT]nism[DOT]ac[DOT]in 9980988601 / 02192668377

Courses available for Training Year : 2019-2020
You can browse the available courses on clicking the links below:

S.No. Name of Courses From To Open for Paricipants From Participant Profile SynopsisApply NowCourse Type
1PROGRAMME ON POOLED INVESTMENT VEHICLES (INDIAN AND GLOBAL PERSPECTIVES)09-Dec-201913-Dec-2019Officials with minimum 5 years experience working in the area of finance/capital market like Regulatory bodies, Government dealing with finance and law, Banks, Insurance Co. Market Intermediaries & other financial institutions.Provides an introduction to Financial Markets, overview and evolution of Indian Securities Market, introduction to Collective Investment Schemes, understanding of Mutual Funds, Investment objectives and strategies, investment restrictions and process, pricing and valuation of assets of schemes, credit evaluation and risk management mechanism, regulatory framework, understanding of various pooled investment schemes like CIS, Mutual Fund, AIFs, REITs, INVITs etc. including regulatory framework
2AN OVERVIEW OF GLOBAL SECURITIES MARKETS16-Sep-201920-Sep-2019Officials with minimum 5 years experience working in the area of finance/capital market like Regulatory bodies, Government dealing with finance and law, Banks, Insurance Co. Market Intermediaries & other financial institutions.Provides history and overview of global v/s Indian Securities Market, financial markets – products, process and platform (Indian and global perspective), legal and regulatory framework – Indian perspective, Primary & Secondary Market operations, Market Infrastructure Institutions and understanding of the products, processes, platform and regulatory framework of Indian vis-a-vis global securities markets
3PROGRAMME ON AN OVERVIEW OF GLOBAL SECURITIES MARKETS22-Jul-201926-Jul-2019Officials with minimum 5 years experience working in the area of finance/capital market like Regulatory bodies, Government dealing with finance and law, Banks, Insurance Co. Market Intermediaries & other financial institutions.Provides history and overview of global v/s Indian Securities Market, financial markets -€“ Products, Process and Platform (Indian and global perspective), legal and regulatory framework -€“ Indian perspective, Primary & Secondary Market Operations, Market Infrastructure Institutions, provides understanding of the products, processes, platform and regulatory framework of Indian vis-a-vis global securities markets

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